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Harvest of Hope

Here's what we have and what we still need. Click the SHOP button

Merry War Theatre Group is a nonprofit community

outreach organization who will be delivering

hope for the holidays.
Please consider donating today. 


You can click the DONATE button above

or call 775-848-9892 and we can take a

credit card over the phone. 


You can also mail a check or items to: 

Merry War Theatre Group

4020 W. 7th St. 

Reno, NV 89503 




5th Harvest of Hope - Thanksgiving for the Homeless Event.

Our goal this year - 1,500 meals and 1,500 kindness kits.

We need your help to make that happen

To become a volunteer, keep checking out our website or email and ask to join the Harvest of Hope team mailing list, 2019.
Be a giver! 


Our 1,500 kindness kits include a razor, toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, chapstick, water bottle, pocket-sized tissue/kleenex, handwritten kindness note, a bar of soap, deodorant, a comb, and new men's socks. We are also looking for gloves, hats, scarves and warm winter jackets. 


Below is what we currently have: 



GOAL: 1,500


Chapsticks - 725

Coats - 52

Combs - 1,667 (DONE)

Conditioner - 1,244

Deodorant - 1,266

Hope Backpacks - 1,500 (DONE)

Notes of Kindness - 1,394

Razors - 1,363

Shampoo - 1,805 (DONE)

Soap - 2,036 (DONE)

New Socks (Men's) - 863

Tissues - 950 

Toothbrush - 1,429

Toothpaste - 1,555 (DONE)

Water Bottles - 1,856 (DONE)

Ziplock Bags (gallon) - 1,734 (DONE)



Three Opportunities to Volunteer

Join us! Be a giver and help us spread the word. 

#1) Kindness Kits Build Day

(Click here for FB event page)

Date: Saturday, November 23rd 

Time: 10:00am

Location: Sparks Elks Lodge 517 S. Rock Blvd. Sparks, NV 89431


#2) Food cook and prep day 

Date: Wednesday, November 27th 

Time: 4:00pm 

Location: Liberty Food & Wine Exchange 100 N. Sierra St. Reno, NV 89501


#3) 5th Annual Harvest of Hope

                The Big Day

(Click here for FB event page)

Date: Thanksgiving morning Thursday, November 28th 

Time: 8:00am

Location: Liberty Food & Wine Exchange 100 N. Sierra St. Reno, NV 89501

Last year we handed out 785 meals, 750 kindness-kits, and over 1,000 articles of winter clothing.

This year we plan on doing 1,500 of everything! 

Here at Merry War Theatre Group, we have a lot to be thankful for.

We want to share the love! 

Join our mailing list

Never miss an update




1st year (2015) - 50 meals & 50 kindness-kits

2nd Year (2016) - 180 meals & 210 kindness-kits

3rd Year (2017) - 473 meals & 300 kindness-kits

4th Year (2018) - Over 1,000 articles of clothing, 750 kindness-kits, and 785 meals


THIS YEAR OUR GOAL IS 1,500 meals, 1,500 kindness-kits, and more articles of warm winter clothing than we can count! Let's make it happen. 


Watch the video below to see how things are going to go on Thanksgiving 

Watch the video below to see how things are going to go on Thanksgiving 

Check out Chase McKenna's interview with Deidra on Out to Lunch featured on 

America Matters 

Out to Lunch Interview Harvest of Hope - Deidra
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